Our Founder Director

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Arasu Devaneyan

He holds fifteen plus years of vast experience in understanding and operating in the different scenarios of the social sector, especially focusing on right based development. His passion and focus are mainly to build right-based intervention on various issues, varying between child rights, consumer rights and ecological issues. He has been working for the development of children, youth, and women in Tamil Nadu on a rights-based perspective and platform. He has worked closely with agencies such as Tamil Nadu State Women’s Commission, State Resource Centre, National Service Scheme (NSS) of University of Madras, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu Minorities Economic Development Corporation, Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Council, Loyola Institute of Business Administration & Loyola College, and several other NGOs in their programmes. He is moving ahead with the long-term objective of building reality-based perspective by incorporating social justice for the most underprivileged sector of society in an organized form. In his previous position at the Centre for Child Rights and Development, Devaneyan has built an impressive track record in facilitating Capacity Building Programs on Rights based Approach, Providing Technical Guidance on ECCCE, Childcare activities, disaster management, organising state level consultation programmes, many of which have today become pre-eminent programs in the State’s social sector. His prior experiences at People’s Watch –Tamil Nadu, a human rights-based organization in Madurai, had revolved mostly around Human Rights Education. During the period of service in People’s Watch, he had organised several training programs and seminars on human rights for various target groups, advocacy and lobbying programmes with government officials, capacity building programmes for school teachers on Human Rights Education, preparation of information education and communication materials for campaign against child labour, custodial violence, torture. He had contributed in the preparation of text-book modules on Human Rights and Child Rights for Human Rights Education programme. His good understanding about human rights, child rights, child protection social policies and issues has made his programs create effective impact on those who benefited from his programmes. His contribution to the Human Rights Education Program had reached to more than 2,000 teachers across the state of Tamil Nadu.

In the past eight years, Devaneyan had played a key role in major fact finding missions in Tamil Nadu on various issues, including: Violence against the Tamil people in Karnataka for Tamil Nadu Social Forum (TNSF), Denial of Right to Education in Tsunami Affected Areas for PLAN International, Child Marriage in Tsunami Affected Areas for PLAN International, Pollution of Bhavani River by South Indian VISCOSE Company at Mettupalayam for Bhavani River Protection Committee, Violence against Children at School in Chennai City, Tamil Nadu for Child Protection Network. Through his team building efforts having a blend of managerial skills with personal and humane flexibility, he has guided various groups to publicize social realities to the public and the media through fact finding missions.

In addition, Devaneyan served as a Training Consultant to the State Commission for Women, and as Training Consultant to the Tamil Nadu Environmental Protection Committee. His experience in working with the media world has added to his profile certain competencies of public based media productions and public relations. His interest and efforts in advocating human rights against various social issues through poster making and other communication materials has been of immense value and contribution. One of his current roles to be highlighted is that he has served as a trainer in the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute for Youth development, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs, which is prestigious for anyone trekking. the pathway for social change.

In the last five years, he has been working tirelessly for promoting and protecting the rights of women and children, especially of those belonging to the most vulnerable and neglected communities. Two researches have been undertaken by him recently; one on the ‘Status and Problems of ICDS Centers in Tamil Nadu’ and ‘Status of Children across five relocation sites in and around Chennai’. Also two audits in Semmenchery, namely Social Audit and Women’s’ Safety Audit have been published. Many right based activities and interventions, especially focussed on children, women and youth have been undertaken in Semmenchery. Thousands of right based trainings on right based approach, especially on RTI and RTE have been delivered by Devaneyan to varied audiences, including government agencies, private organisations, non-profits, youth and college students and many hundreds of RTI’s have been written by him. More than 20 books on Children, Child Rights, Child Protection, Human Rights and Education, in simple and easy to understand language, have been authored by him. Media advocacy and lobbying in both print and visual media on Child Rights and Forced Eviction on a regular basis has been another feather in his cap. “To build a child friendly environment’ at all times and everywhere and doing everything ‘in the best interests of the child’ have been his watchwords and guiding spirit in all his interventions.”